alex/alexandra sofie jönsson

is a socially engaged artist, educator and organiser working with social praxis, pedagogy and feminist approaches to digital culture and public space.

Working collaboratively across formats of public intervention, participatory sculpture, new media, workshops, and performance, her work has been shown at Art Center Nabi (SKR), Tate Modern (UK), Kunsthal NORD (DK), Museum of Contemporary Commodities (UK). She is the co-founder of lím collective, a platform based in Aalborg exploring artistic practices at the intersections of health and care. She was a former organiser of Goldsmiths University collective The Open System Association, Autonomous Tech Fetish (ATF), and The Body Recovery Unit.

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hydro/choreo (2022-2023)
North Jutland, Denmark
Research / filming tests
Photos: Kamilla Mez


hydro/choreos is series of experiments exploring the organisation of DYI health in and around bodies of water through open water swimming in the North of Denmark. Working through a hydrofeminist lens to explore water/bodies relations that encompas both the cultural practices around cold was as well as the increasing forms of pollution.

Work in progress shown at “Art Hub Copenhagen Open Studios” at Sorø Kunstmuseum/Regitze Engelsborg Karlsen Studios January 21st 2023. Log Ladies.

The research is kindly supported by Art Hub Copenhagen, The Danish Arts Foundation, and F-eks platform.