alex/alexandra sofie jönsson

is a socially engaged artist, educator and organiser working with social praxis, pedagogy and feminist approaches to digital culture and public space.

Working collaboratively across formats of public intervention, participatory sculpture, new media, workshops, and performance, her work has been shown at Art Center Nabi (SKR), Tate Modern (UK), Kunsthal NORD (DK), Museum of Contemporary Commodities (UK). She is the co-founder of lím collective, a platform based in Aalborg exploring artistic practices at the intersections of health and care. She was a former organiser of Goldsmiths University collective The Open System Association, Autonomous Tech Fetish (ATF), and The Body Recovery Unit.

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amodk (2024)
Meanwhile, senses are organised
Exhibition, Huset, Aalborg.
Photos: operation8

amodk (atmospheric map of domestic knowledges) is a visual tool for conducting conversations about space, knowledge and power. amodk can highlight how latent knowledge hierarchies often underlie the way a room, an institution, or a home is organised and decorated. Access the project here.

The work stems from an intersectional feminist understanding of power as an embodied and tactile atmosphere where knowledge and hierarchies are created and maintained through spatial, bodily and social relations; objects; and processes. The amodk method is developed through conversations with citizens, employees and relatives within the healthcare system.

The method explores how architectures, spaces, routines, and objects in space creates an atmosphere that can be felt in the body, and through the activity, it is unpacked if and how patients and service users own knowledge and perspective are represented in the space.

amodk is a collaboration between the artists Alex/Alexandra Jönsson and Cliff Hammett, graphic designer Kamilla Mez and the movement facilitator Clara Dybbroe Viltoft. During the exhibition the amodk space was activated with youth workshops by visual artist and performer Sandro Masai and community organiser Erica Figueiredo. 

The project is supported by KulturKanten, Region Nord, Aalborg Kommune, and the Danish Arts Foundation.